First up was a quad kink that soon enough got turned into a triple because of drop-in/speed issues. Let's face it, that drop in was a piece...
Here's jNorm almost getting some.

Here he's got it. 50-50 to fakie.

jNorm reppin' the Amplid.

Jon boy got the front board he was looking for. First shot of the season son.

I have nothing clever to say a bout Jonny this time.

Sooooo f'ing sketchy. 41-stairs of heavy shit man.

Jon got the shot for sure, maybe came off a little early for the film but I got a shot that made my trip. Such an intense impact coming off this thing. Props to Jon boy for working at it so hard.

Gotta get a little artsy. Just sent in some medium format shots from this trip, I'll get those back and posted next week.

On a lighter note, here's Sam eating a monster Ray's bagel sandwich. Peace!

myspace image at Gickr
nice sam
Nice work homies!
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